Here at Northwest Wools, we offer as many unique events as possible, to help our customers learn more about the wide world of fiber!

Check back often to see what new things we've planned. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, and get event details delivered right to your inbox.

Craft Night

Every Thursday at 6:30 pm we meet at Lucky Labrador Public House, here in Multnomah Village, for social knitting and crochet. Bring your yarn and spend time with some fiber friends. This is not a class, but we're more than happy to give opinions or suggestions over pizza and drinks. Keep an eye on our social media for updates about this fun weekly meet-up!

Rose City Yarn Crawl

This annual festival highlights the fiber community in Portland. Keep an eye on the RCYC website for the most up-to-date information on the upcoming crawl, and mark your calendar ahead of time, as this is an event you won't want to miss!

Rose City Yarn Crawl Website

Special Events

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